A good tagline helps set you apart from other companies that provide similar products & permits you quickly and efficiently sum up what your company is all about. Taglines take out the guesswork and make a company’s message crystal clear in explicit terms. Over time, a good tagline becomes one of the most memorable parts of a company’s identity.

Responses to the questions below, can also help define your company’s Unique Selling Propositions (USP’s) if not already defined. Your company’s USP’s exemplify the value you offer and the problem you solve. A strong USP clearly articulates specific benefits that other competitors don’t offer & makes you stand out.

No limits! Describe your vision expansively to see all possibilities. Retain your passion – that which makes you enthusiastic about reaching your vision!
Now list specific items such as:
Culture, the ‘feel’ and atmosphere that customers can expect.
Ex: number of customers, gross profits, number of employees, number of offices, number and types of goods & services you’ll sell, etc.
Ex: *Will there be any community outreach? If so, what kind?
Provide 3 words that best describe your company: